More about NIKIN
Sustainable fashion from Switzerland
Behind NIKIN is a young and active team from Switzerland that wants to give something back to nature - through sustainable and fair fashion, with a tree being planted for every product sold.
Tree by Tree”, one tree after another. Nikin's slogan symbolizes their goal and philosophy. With their success, they are investing in tree planting programs and want to counteract global deforestation. The trees are planted in places where they previously disappeared for various reasons, such as agriculture, the timber industry, habitat or even natural events (forest fire, drought, ...). A single tree doesn't change the world overnight, but NIKIN plants "Tree by Tree" and makes the world a greener place.
Nikin introduced the term " TreeWear ", which evolved from the popular term "StreetWear", simply with the added effect of planting a tree for each product. Tree by tree, the world doesn't change from one day to the next, but it is a step in the right direction.
The Swiss fashion and lifestyle brand “NIKIN” from Lenzburg (AG) was launched in winter 2016. The brand was founded by Nicholas Hänny (1991) and Robin Gnehm (1992), an economics and an industrial design student who have known each other since early childhood. The two former scouts and skaters had wanted to start a joint project for a long time, which was finally realized by NIKIN.
Her vision was a fashion label that had an ecological impact. Robin, who had just returned to Switzerland from a trip through the vast forests of Canada, designed a logo that, as it turned out, was a huge hit with the public. After the launch, when orders piled up just before Christmas, the two quickly realized that they could no longer manage this alone. With Lester and Jeffrey, Robin's two brothers, reinforcements in the areas of logistics and communication were brought on board. Since then, the NIKIN team has maintained a very familial relationship, which is certainly one reason for their success. The entire NIKIN family is always there to help and support wherever they can.
It is important to NIKIN to always be innovative, modern and open-minded, but at the same time sustainable and fair. That's why they attach great importance to environmentally friendly and fair production. At the beginning it wasn't easy to find and finance adequate production. With their success, they could move closer to the goal of relocating production from Asia to Europe - and so today almost all of our products are manufactured in Europe.
Since January 2019, NIKIN and its products have been officially certified by “ GOTS ” (Global Organic Textile Standard), which guarantees sustainable and fair production.
The textiles consist largely of organic cotton in combination with recycled polyester. Other products are made from various sustainable alternatives such as bamboo or cotton from recycled jeans . NIKIN is always honest with themselves and knows that they are not perfect - but they are constantly trying to improve and are looking for even better, more sustainable and fairer solutions every day to get closer to their goal.
At NIKIN we only use tree-free paper made from bamboo or waste from the sugar cane industry. Of course, the personalized tree certificate that every customer receives in addition to their order is completely tree-free.